
Beyond Measure Lifestyle

In our most popular program, you have access to additional coaching and support with the option of daily text and voice messaging, and in-depth weekly voice or video responses. The Beyond Measure Lifestyle coaching program goes beyond nutrition and covers the areas of sleep, movement/exercise, and stress management for a holistic approach to achieving your goals.

While we know the majority of our nutrition should come from nutrient-dense foods, I also love to teach how you can enjoy the foods you love. During this coaching, you are encouraged to use My Fitness Pal as a reflective food journal to create sustainable habits and work toward balanced nutrition. Tracking macronutrients allows many people to let go of the “good food” “bad food” mentality, and be consistent. It allows for the flexibility that living and enjoying life requires. Whether your goals are aesthetic, performance-based, or health-focused, this is a scientific approach to individualized nutrition. Individuals who learn to track macronutrients are able to reach their goals faster. We will also work on optimizing nutrient intake, and learning how to fuel your body for your lifestyle.


Beyond Measure Foundations

In this program, we will use My Fitness Pal as a reflective food journal to create sustainable habits, and work toward a balanced lifestyle. Tracking macronutrients allows many people to let go of the “good food” “bad food” mentality, and be consistent. It allows for the flexibility that living and enjoying life requires. Whether your goals be aesthetic, performance based, or health focused, this is a scientific approach to individualized nutrition. Individuals who track macronutrients are able to reach their goals faster. We will also work on optimizing nutrient intake, and learning how to fuel your body for your lifestyle.